T-Bone on the Kamado Joe
I've typically avoided T-Bones because of the need to cook two separate cuts of meat in one go.  However, I wanted to recreate a photograph I had seen.  Didn't nail it here - so will be trying again.  But won't be avoiding this cut any longer.  With the use of the temperature probe (one in each side of the T-Bone) I found that it was pretty easy to monitor & achieve perfect rare on each cut & there really wasn't much in it in terms of cooking times.  These were salted a brought up to temperature a good few hours before cook time.  Just before cooking they were then given a coating of olive oil & some of that roasted garlic paste from the previous cook.  Then they were seared on a cast iron grate that had been heating a good while directly over the charcoal, before being placed over the deflector plates to reach their perfect done-ness.  In hindsight, I would use more garlic - one clove per steak gave a hint of garlic.  But because it had been roasted it looses some of its fierceness.  Good when eating on its own, but you need to use more than you would think if you're using for flavouring other dishes.  Ah well, I know its a shame, but I am going to have to try again.....  ;-)